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10 Unexpected Facts About Concrete

May 7, 2021 2:23 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Most of us will encounter concrete every day, but how much do you actually know about this building material? Read on for some surprising concrete facts in Crivitz, WI. Resistant to both water and fire: While many substances are either resistant to water or fire, reinforced concrete is the rare material that’s highly resistant to both. Not only is it essentially fireproof, but it can also act as an effective fire barrier. Concrete is also waterproof, which makes it ideal for building underground structures. Ideal for road construction: Concrete roads might have a higher initial cost than those made of asphalt, but they’ll last longer and require less maintenance. Concrete is also highly versatile, since it can be mixed for... View Article

Concrete Projects: When to Hire a Pro and When to DIY

May 5, 2021 10:35 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

After watching some YouTube videos or reading helpful articles online, many do-it-yourself homeowners feel like they’re capable of tackling any project. While that might be true for some jobs, many concrete projects require the help of concrete contractors in Crivitz, WI. This post will cover a few of the projects you can do on your own and a few that you’ll need to bring in the pros to handle. DIY projects With a little spare time and a few helping hands, a DIY-er is more than capable of installing a small concrete patio or even adding a walkway. As long as the ground is level, these small projects are great for folks who want to get their hands dirty and... View Article

What You Should Know About the Stamped Concrete Process

April 21, 2021 10:34 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Concrete has been the go-to material for patios, driveways and walkways for decades. But instead of laying plain concrete these days, many Crivitz, WI homeowners are opting for stamped concrete. Also known as decorative concrete, stamped concrete is designed to look like other materials, including brick, cobblestone, tile or other higher-end materials. But just because the material is gaining popularity across the country doesn’t necessarily mean that homeowners are familiar with how we install stamped concrete. Continue reading to learn more about the process and why you should choose decorative concrete. How stamped concrete is made Installing stamped concrete is a bit more in-depth than laying a regular slab, but it’s still fairly straightforward. We begin the process by pouring... View Article

Common Mistakes That Get Made When Pouring or Placing Concrete in Cold Weather

March 24, 2021 6:46 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Wisconsin gets cold. While concrete can be poured in cold weather, it’s usually challenging to get it to pour and cure properly. Often, it’s prudent to wait until the weather thaws out a bit—but if you absolutely need to pour concrete during the colder months, it is possible to get a good result. As long as you work with reliable concrete contractors in Crivitz, WI, you can avoid these common cold weather concrete mistakes: Pouring over frozen ground: Pouring concrete over frozen ground is just asking for cracks and other damage. As the ground thaws, it can shift and settle. This will cause set concrete to crack, even if it’s already cured. The concrete may also cure too slowly, which... View Article

Everything You Should Know About Your Home’s Concrete Foundation

March 10, 2021 6:46 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Your home’s foundation can make or break its longevity—sometimes literally. A good foundation provides a flat, stable surface upon which a building can be constructed. Construction errors, natural disasters and general wear and tear can all wreak havoc on a foundation, however. That’s why it’s so important to work with reliable foundation contractors when you’re building a new home. Read on to learn more about the importance of your home’s foundation, and why it’s so important to work with the best foundation contractors in Crivitz, WI. Longevity If your foundation is laid and maintained properly, it can last in perpetuity. Depending on your specific location, your foundation contractors will have to take into account soil type, terrain, natural bodies of... View Article