Six Benefits of Installing a Retaining Walls in Your Yard

August 30, 2019 11:48 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Landscaping can boost your property’s value, enhance your home’s curb appeal and bring both beauty and functionality to your yard, if it’s done right. This is particularly true when installing concrete retaining walls.

Retaining walls are dual purpose: they provide functionality as well as beauty. However, once installed, concrete retaining walls are essentially a permanent part of your landscape. If you are considering installing retaining walls in Crivitz, WI, but aren’t sure if it’s the right investment and fit for your home and property, keep reading. We’re going to cover the six benefits of installing retaining walls.

They create a flat space

If your yard is elevated (on a slope, for example) or has steep sloping areas, you will find that there’s not a lot you can do in your yard. You can’t really have a game of catch on the side of a hill—it doesn’t work all that well. A concrete retaining wall can be used to create a flat space in your yard and give you and your family more functional space.

They help protect your property and your home

When installed strategically, concrete retaining walls can help prevent solid runoff, soil runoff and erosion, which can destroy your lawn, gardens and even trees and shrubs. Retaining walls can also be used to manage water runoff, preventing water from pooling in your yard or, even worse, around your home, which can cause flooding.

They provide aesthetic appeal

A concrete retaining wall can add style and personality to your landscaping, as well as functionality. Retaining walls can be used to create flower beds, establish boundaries and add character. They can also be used to break up large properties into more visually appealing and manageable sections.

They can help you create entertainment areas

Concrete retaining walls can be used to highlight or create outdoor kitchen and dining areas where you can entertain and serve guests. In fact, retaining walls can even serve as additional seating, giving you more space to entertain guests.

They add value to your home

If installed correctly, retaining walls can add value to your property. Because they can help protect your home and property, and make a great addition to your landscape, both the curb appeal of your home and its value could get a little boost when you install a retaining wall.

They can help give you waterfront access

If your home is located on a body of water, a concrete retaining wall can help you create space to install stairs down to the waterfront. No more steep bank to navigate! You and your family can safely step down to the water.

If after reading this you’ve decided to install retaining walls in Crivitz, WI, or even if you still have questions, Kwiatkowski Construction Co., Inc. can help. Our experts will be able to help you decide if a concrete retaining wall is right for you and what benefits you might be able to enjoy. To learn more, just reach out to our team today!

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