Tips for Properly Maintaining Your Home’s Foundation

September 14, 2020 6:35 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Your home’s strength begins where it meets the ground. The foundation of your house is a critical part of its integrity and its durability, so you want to be sure that it’s always in great shape. Our team at Kwiatkowski Construction Co., Inc. is the best in the business at making sure our customers can feel confident in the reliability of their home’s foundation, but we also want them to feel empowered by being able to take some maintenance and vigilance into their own hands. Simple maintenance for your home’s concrete foundation in Crivitz, WI is a task that might not be as intimidating as it seems at first if you follow some basic tips.

Trust your eyes

There are a few visual cues that can help keep homeowners informed on the condition of their foundation. The most obvious sign of strain is cracks—if you see your foundation cracking or chipping, that’s a telltale sign that it might be in need of service from professionally-trained technicians. However, this might not be an immediate need. When you’re performing maintenance for your home’s concrete foundation in Crivitz, WI and first notice a crack, you can take a picture of it or take some measurements and then monitor it to see if it changes width or length.

Be a smart landscaper

There are some general rules to keep in mind when it comes to landscaping near your home’s foundation. First of all, you should carefully consider tree placement. Trees can suck up and consume massive amounts of water, so you run the risk of drying out the soil around your foundation if you plant them too close to the house. When you’re planting beds, you also want to be smart about grading—make sure they slope downwards, away from the house, so any water can easily run off.

Manage water effectively

Dealing with water is a tricky proposition when it comes to your foundation. There’s a balance you have to strike—you don’t want the soil to be too dry, as the moistening and drying of the ground can cause the soil to move, which places unwanted stress on the foundation. Running a soaker hose near the foundation is a good way to keep the soil moist enough in the dryer months, while also keeping the ground from swelling when it gets wetter.

On the other hand, you don’t want too much water. Standing water is something that can really cause damage and necessitate professional maintenance for your home’s concrete foundation in Crivitz, WI if you’re not careful. Make sure your gutters and downspouts are properly maintained and ready to direct all water away from the foundation so water cannot damage it.

If you believe your foundation has seen better days and could use a professional opinion about your next steps, give Kwiatkowski Construction Co., Inc. a call. We serve residential as well as commercial properties, so no matter what type of building you’re looking to maintain, we can meet all of your concrete needs.

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